Firefox will now recommend useful features and add-ons

Mozilla has launched version 64 of its Firefox desktop web browser, and in doing so launched two new features aimed at simplifying and personalizing your browser usage.

The first, Contextual Feature Recommender (CFR), “is a system that proactively recommends Firefox features and add-ons based on how you use the web”, according to the announcement.

This means that Firefox will be taking note of your browsing habits and, if it happens to have a relevant extension or feature it thinks will help make your life easier, it will recommend it. Mozilla assures its users that it doesn’t collect this data and that it’s instead stored locally in your copy of Firefox.

An example of such a feature is Firefox’s Pinned Tabs setting, which allows users that frequently open the same sites in multiple tabs to instead open them all upon launching the browser, and having them constantly at hand as you browse.

Although currently only available for US users (and not in Private Browsing mode either), Firefox will begin its extension recommendations with just three add-ons: Facebook Container, Enhancer for YouTube, and To Google Translate.

Masses of tabs for the masses

The other major feature landing with Firefox 64 is the option to organize multiple tabs into groups and perform actions on those clustered tabs. This includes the ability to move, mute, bookmark or pin any group of tabs.

You can now shift+click or control+click multiple tabs in order to group them, and once the batch has been selected, you can right-click and apply any of the aforementioned actions to them all at once, or drag them around to tidy up your tab bar.

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