October 28, 2024

Google Photos can find all the photos you’ve taken at work

Photos is one of Google’s most amazing beasts. Ever since its announcement, this app and service has been improving and adding useful features, the last of which is a new smart option that groups similar pictures and suggests the best one to keep. But did you know that you can search Photos for “work” and get all the images you’ve snapped at work? I didn’t.

We’re not sure how new or old the functionality is, but we just ran across it and it seems very helpful. If your work requires you keep tab of documents or items, or if you make creative products that you catalog, or if you snap pics at work for any other miscellaneous reason, you may want an easy way to filter those photos. You can quickly do that by typing “work” in the Google Photos search field.

Photos is probably using your Google location setting for home and work to quickly sift and find pictures taken at work. However, doing a search for “Home” doesn’t yield results of pictures taken at home — instead it shows me all photos of houses and homes that I’ve taken.

Hopefully, this functionality is just a start, and we would later be able to find photos taken at home or maybe even all the different places we’ve labelled in Google Maps.

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