Metacritic Says Xbox One Had No Positively Reviewed True Exclusives in 2018

Wintersun61619m ago

Exclusives have always been the main selling point of all Playstation consoles. There have been a couple of slow years as far as PS exclusives go, but Sony has delivered the best lineup of exclusives every single generation of console games since the PS1, and there is no reason to believe that is going to change in the near future.

As an owner of a decent gaming PC, I don’t see any reason whatsoever to buy an Xbox at this point. However last year alone I bought 3 new PS4 “true exclusives”, which you will never play on Xbox or PC, on day one. That selling point is the most important aspect of a gaming console, by far. I will buy a Switch at some point too, but I don’t know when.

“When MS buys even more studios and starts pushing out 1st party games will exclusives suddenly not matter as much anymore?”

They will matter just as much as they always have. Maybe next gen Xbox fans will also (once again) agree that exclusives are important, after MS’ new studios start rolling out their games. For me what remains to be seen is if they even will be exclusives. If they’re all on PC too, I still won’t see a reason to buy an Xbox. But hey at least I’ll be playing them on an “MS platform” anyway, if that helps you sleep at night.

“Example from what I’ve seen from articles and comments over the last few days – “Single player games are all that matter right, no one cares for mutliplayer anymore. Days Gone multiplayer mode was never green-lit – good we don’t need it!””

Nobody is saying that, at least not how you try to make it sound. In the last few years or so there has been a worrying amount of talk from certain people in the industry, saying that single player games are too expensive to make and too risky, and that multiplayer and GaaS is the one and only future for video games. What you’re twisting to fit your own agenda here is just backlash from people who want to keep playing story driven single player games too. Multiplayer is important too, obviously. And neither type of games are going anywhere. And please understand that not all games need to have multiplayer shoehorned in. Some are better off without it.

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