VW, BMW, Daimler bosses willing to attend White House meeting, report says

Trump has refrained from imposing car tariffs while the U.S. and EU launch negotiations to cut other trade barriers.

BERLIN — The heads of Volkswagen Group, BMW and Daimler are ready to attend a meeting at the White House with the Trump administration, but have not yet received a formal invitation, industry sources said.

The Handelsblatt newspaper on Wednesday cited industry and diplomatic sources as saying the meeting could possibly take place as soon as next week. The paper said it was not known whether U.S. President Donald Trump would attend the meeting.

“It’s clear that the meeting is planned, and that the CEOs will attend,” said one industry source.

A second industry source confirmed plans for a meeting in Washington, but said details were still being worked out and the CEOs would make clear they could not negotiate on behalf of the European Union.

Trump has threatened for months to impose tariffs on all EU-assembled vehicles, a move that could up-end the industry’s business model for selling cars in the U.S.

But he has refrained from imposing car tariffs while the U.S. and EU launch negotiations to cut other trade barriers.

Sources at the automakers said no formal invitation had been received and no travel arrangements had been made. They said the meeting could take place at short notice, possibly next week.



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The companies declined to comment publicly.

A German government spokesman said the chancellery was familiar with the idea of such a meeting but said EU Union officials were responsible for all trade negotiations.

One industry source said the invitation put the companies in an awkward position, given the EU’s responsibility for trade matters. At the same time, they did not want to turn down the opportunity to engage in dialogue.

“What matters is that we find a solution,” said one source, adding that it was critical for the German car industry to maintain access to the U.S. market, the second largest behind China.

Bernd Westpahl, business policy spokesman for the Social Democrats, junior partners in the German coalition government, said the invitation offered an opportunity to make progress. “It is a good – and perhaps the last – opportunity to convince the U.S. president to back away from punitive tariffs,” he said.

Handelsblatt said Richard Grenell, the U.S. ambassador to Germany, had relayed the invitation to the car companies. Grenell also met with the German car bosses in July. An embassy spokesman referred all questions to the White House. No immediate response was available, given the U.S. Thanksgiving Day holiday.

The U.S. currently imposes tariffs of 2.5 percent of cars and 25 percent on light trucks, compared with 10 percent tariffs in the EU.

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