Congressman shuts down alt-right protester by … auctioneering?

A Congressman drowned an alt-right protestor’s interruption with his impressive auctioneering skills. 

Conspiracy theorist and self-proclaimed “investigative journalist” Laura Loomer interrupted Jack Dorsey’s Congressional testimony to rail on the Twitter CEO for political bias.

Selfie stick in hand — because if you’re not livestreaming, are you really protesting? — Loomer begged Trump for help because according to her, “Jack Dorsey is trying to influence the election.” 

But Rep. Billy Long wasn’t having it. The Missouri Republican, who was a professional auctioneer before pursuing a political career, shut down her tirade with expert rapid-fire auctioneering.

In a video posted by @JordanUhl, Long can be heard saying, “Huh?” as Loomer ignores calls for order. Then he launches into listing imaginary goods, calling on fake bidders and raising prices.

If there’s a video that perfectly captures 2018, it’s this one. The rest of the hearing room cracks up as Loomer loudly complains and Long, unfazed, barrels through with his fake auction.  

“You are a liar,” Loomer yells, until security personnel escort her and her selfie stick out. When she finally leaves, the rest of the room burst into applause. 

Loomer has been leading a conservative crusade against Twitter since the company took away her verification checkmark last November. The same day, it took away blue checkmarks from alt-right figures Jason Kessler and Richard Spencer. 

According to verification guidelines, Twitter can take away checkmarks for “promoting hate and/or violence against, or directly attacking or threatening other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease.” It also lists “inciting or engaging in harassment of others.” 

Along with performing Islamophobic stunts like visiting a polling station dressed in a burqa and asking for a ballot under the name Huma Abedin, Loomer infamously got herself banned from Uber and Lyft after she tweeted about not being able to find a “non Muslim” driver.

Dorsey and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg testified before the U.S. Senate Intelligence Community as part of an investigation into foreign interference in American elections. Dorsey and Sandberg defended the role of social media in the election meddling. 

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